Solve issue NSX accounts disconnected in SDDC(VCF) password management

The following issue needed to be solved , in the sddc , in the password manager all NSX Manager accounts appeared as disconnected , this happened due to the password expiration, but it can also happen from other problems.

Password management

Below I will let you know how I solved this issue.

  1. You need to ssh into one of the nsx nodes with user root and your old password. You will be prompted to enter a new password, you can try to enter the same password, if you can`t, enter a new password.

  2. after you login you need to enter in the nsx cli , this will be done by entering

su admin
  1. Change the blok-out policy, if needed you will do this in every node, it might not be enough to enter it in the master node (I needed to enter the below command in every node)
nsx> set auth-policy api lockout-period 0

nsx> set auth-policy api lockout-reset-period 0
  1. Change the passwords for admin account
nsx> set user admin password
Current password:
New password:
Confirm new password:
  1. Change the passwords for audit account account
nsx> set user audit password
Current password:
New password:
Confirm new password:

Developer Center API

click on the GET /v1/credentials node and EXECUTE you will get a json with all the accounts in sddc and all the passwords, just save the json and open it in a text explorer, search for NSXT_MANAGER strings and you will see the current passwords for usernames admin and audit. 6. Go to Password Management in SDDC and in the NSXT AMANAGER tab where you see the accounts disconnected , just click on the 3 dots after the select box and click on remediate or update , you will be asked for the current password, just put the current password for each account and click REMMEDIATE or UPDATE. This will get the status to Active.

  1. Change the policy back in the nsx command line
nsx> set auth-policy api lockout-period 900

nsx> set auth-policy api lockout-reset-period 900

That`s it. Hope it helps someone out there.